Thursday 12 April 2012

The Cabin in the Woods to reinvent the Horror Franchise ?

Horror has a rule , and that rule is every decade the Horror Franchise changes to cater for a new generation , the 1990s had "Scream" , the 2000s had "Saw" and it looks like the 2010s are going to have "The Cabin in the Woods" as its game changer .

The movie follows the ususal story to start, a group of horny teenagers , consisting of a sexy blonde chick , her jock boyfriend , the not as hot , yet still hotter than most girls best friend , a geek and a african american who typically gets axed to death (racist much) , who go on a camping trip to a cabin in the woods (you get that easily from the name) , where you presume they are going to get gutted  by a psycho serial killer , torn apart by canibal cavemen or more recently suffer from a parasitic alien slug that attaches to your brain and makes you kill everyone .

This movie though is different , straight away you know its unusual as the teens are being spyed on and watched by scientists who are controlling everything happening in the cabin and woods from underground.
Im not going to give out any spoilers but it is a monster flick and with a 92% score on rotten tomatoes its got to be entertaining , The Cabin in the Woods hits cinemas tomorrow April 13th , will it boost the struggling horror genre which is overly dependant on Ghost and Demon movies , or will it flop like Scream 4 did last year which was supposed to redefine the genre like its original did back in 1996 .  

Trailer for The Cabin in the Woods below 


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